Video captures corrections officer shooting inmate through cell door

In the shocking incident caught on video, a corrections officer shoots 29-year-old Matthew Trevino through his cell door at the Pasco County, Florida jail. Trevino, who suffers from mental illness, was alone in his cell for a misdemeanor probation violation when this tragic event unfolded. The video, recorded by one of the officers, contradicts the reports provided by the jail, raising concerns about the use of excessive force. Fox 13’s investigative reporter Tina Jensen brings us the rest of the story, including the dramatic footage, which shows that Trevino was in the midst of a schizophrenic episode and did not comply with the officers’ demands to put his hands through the door. As the investigation unfolds, questions arise about the officers’ awareness of Trevino’s condition and the lack of disciplinary actions taken against them. Trevino’s attorneys plan to file a lawsuit in federal court, seeking justice for this unjustifiable act. Stay tuned for more updates on this disturbing case.


Video captures corrections officer shooting inmate through cell door


Video By FOX 13 Tampa Bay

On [date], a disturbing incident occurred at the Pasco County jail in Florida. A video recorded by one of the corrections officers captured the moment when 29-year-old Matthew Trevino, who suffers from mental illness, was shot through his cell door. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the background of the incident, examine the consistency of reports, discuss the victim’s condition, analyze the inappropriate use of force, address contradictions in officer reports, explore the sheriff’s justification, and highlight the failure to adequately address Trevino’s mental illness.

Consistency of Reports

Pasco County jail reports

According to the reports provided by the Pasco County jail, there is remarkable consistency in their description of the events leading up to the shooting. These reports state that a corrections officer fired a round at Trevino, claiming that he had backed away from the door, and that the round ricocheted off the floor, striking him. However, the video footage recorded by one of the officers contradicts these claims, revealing a different sequence of events.

The Victim’s Condition

Matthew Trevino’s mental illness

Matthew Trevino, the inmate who was shot through his cell door, is reported to suffer from mental illness. Specifically, he was experiencing a schizophrenic episode during the incident, which may have contributed to his behavior of refusing to put his hands through the door during a search request. Understanding Trevino’s mental state is crucial in comprehending the events that unfolded.

His presence in the Pasco County Jail

Trevino was incarcerated at the Pasco County Jail for a misdemeanor probation violation. It is important to note that he was alone in his cell at the time of the incident, highlighting the need for appropriate handling of individuals with mental illness in such environments.

The Shooting Incident

Overview of the shooting

The shooting incident took place when corrections officers attempted to search Trevino’s cell. In response to the search request, Trevino, in the midst of a schizophrenic episode, refused to comply and did not put his hands through the door. It was at this point that a corrections officer deployed a round intended for distraction purposes, similar to a flashbang grenade, but fired from a shotgun.

Video footage description

The video footage recorded by one of the corrections officers tells a different story from the reports provided by the Pasco County jail. Contrary to the claims made in the reports, the video clearly shows that Trevino was right against the door when the officer fired, making the use of force unnecessary. This raises questions about the accuracy and integrity of the reports filed by the officers.

Inappropriate Use of Force

Purpose of the round used

The round used by the corrections officer was designed as a distraction device for situations like SWAT teams breaking into buildings. It was not intended to be used as a means of firing at humans or animals. The manufacturer’s own warnings state this explicitly, underscoring the inappropriate use of force in this incident.

Warnings against firing at humans

The manufacturer’s warnings explicitly state that the round should not be used to fire at humans. Given this information, it raises concerns about why such force was employed when there was no immediate emergency or threat that required entering the cell forcefully.

Contradictions in Officer Reports

Claims made by the officers

The officers involved in the incident claimed that Trevino had backed away from the door and that the round ricocheted off the floor, accidentally striking him. These claims are refuted by the video evidence, which clearly shows that Trevino was right up against the door when the officer fired.

Discrepancy with video evidence

The video evidence provided by one of the officers contradicts the claims made in the officers’ reports. It exposes a glaring discrepancy between what the officers reported and what actually transpired. This raises concerns about the accuracy and credibility of the officers’ statements and further highlights the need for a thorough investigation into the incident.

Sheriff’s Justification

Sheriff Chris NACO’s statement

Sheriff Chris NACO released a statement justifying the actions taken by the corrections officers. In his statement, he referred to Trevino as a man with a violent history, implying that his failure to comply dictated their use of force. However, it is important to note that Trevino does not have any violent crime convictions on his record, raising questions about the validity of this justification.

Violent history of Matthew Trevino

Contrary to the sheriff’s claims, Trevino does not have a violent history, as verified by his criminal record. This discrepancy between the sheriff’s statement and the available evidence creates doubt regarding the justification given for the use of force in this incident.

Failure to Address Mental Illness

Awareness of Trevino’s condition

Trevino’s attorney asserts that the officers were aware of his client’s mental illness. During the incident, Trevino was clearly experiencing a schizophrenic episode, as confirmed by his attorney. This raises concerns about the officers’ response and their ability to handle individuals with mental illness appropriately.

Lack of appropriate response

When dealing with individuals suffering from mental illness, it is crucial to respond with sensitivity and employ de-escalation techniques. In this case, it appears that the officers failed to address Trevino’s condition adequately, resulting in the unnecessary use of force. This failure highlights the need for improved training and protocols to handle individuals with mental illness in correctional facilities.


Summary of key points

In summary, the video footage captured by one of the corrections officers reveals a troubling incident in which Matthew Trevino, an inmate with mental illness, was shot through his cell door. The reports filed by the Pasco County jail contain inconsistencies when compared to the video evidence. The inappropriate use of force, as exemplified by the round used and warnings against firing at humans, further raises concerns. Contradictions in the officers’ reports and the sheriff’s questionable justification underpin the need for a thorough investigation into the incident. Additionally, the failure to adequately address Trevino’s mental illness highlights the need for improved training and protocols within the criminal justice system.

Closing thoughts on the incident

This incident serves as a stark reminder that individuals with mental illness must be treated with compassion, understanding, and appropriate care. It is essential for law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, and the justice system as a whole to ensure that individuals suffering from mental illness receive the support and accommodation they need. By addressing these systemic issues and holding those responsible for misconduct accountable, we can work towards creating a safer and more equitable society for all.