Beachfront hotels struggle to navigate cancellations during peak season

In the midst of the pandemic, beachfront hotels in the Tampa Bay area are facing significant challenges as they navigate cancellations during what is historically their busiest season. According to recent data from the American Hotel & Lodging Association, beachfront hotels and restaurants have been some of the hardest-hit establishments in the area and across the country. Nearly half of Florida’s hotel-supported jobs have been cut due to the pandemic, but some hotels, like the Plaza Beach Hotel in St. Pete Beach, are striving to avoid layoffs by finding innovative ways to adapt and attract guests. Despite the difficulties, they remain hopeful that business will pick up as beaches reopen and the peak season approaches. The hotel staff has been diligently implementing sanitization measures and making necessary repairs during the low occupancy, while front desk employees have transitioned to assist in housekeeping. They remain committed to providing a safe and comfortable experience for their guests as they navigate these challenging times.

Data from the American Hotel & Lodging Association reveals that nationwide, nearly 50 percent of full-service hotels have closed in the past two months, emphasizing the severity of the situation. However, at the Plaza Beach Hotel, they have managed to keep their doors open, prioritizing the safety and well-being of their guests. Some individuals, like German and Audrey, have chosen to stay at the hotel for an extended period, hesitant to travel back home due to the uncertainties and risks associated with the current situation. As they continue to welcome guests, the hotel is operating with around 30 open rooms, with approximately 15 of them already booked for the night. While the challenges are undeniably significant, the Plaza Beach Hotel remains dedicated to providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience for those who choose to stay with them during these unprecedented times.

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Challenges Faced by Beachfront Hotels During Peak Season

Impact of the Pandemic on Hotel Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the hotel industry, particularly on beachfront hotels. As a result of the pandemic, beachfront hotels have faced numerous challenges during what is historically their busiest season. The closure of businesses and travel restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the virus have led to a reduction in bookings and occupancy rates. Many hotels have been forced to make difficult decisions, such as implementing cost-cutting measures that include reducing staff or even closing their doors permanently.

High Cancellation Rates

One of the main challenges faced by beachfront hotels during peak season is the high rate of cancellations. With the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, many people have had to cancel their travel plans, including hotel reservations. This has led to a significant loss in revenue for beachfront hotels, who rely heavily on bookings during this time. Furthermore, the unpredictable nature of the pandemic has made it difficult for hotels to plan for the future, as they cannot predict how many more cancellations they may face.

Sanitization Changes and Procedures

In response to the pandemic, beachfront hotels have had to implement stringent sanitization changes and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of their guests. This includes increasing the frequency of cleaning, disinfecting high-touch areas, and providing hand sanitizer stations throughout the hotel. The implementation of these measures has added an additional workload for hotel staff, who have had to adapt quickly to the new protocols. Furthermore, the extra expenses associated with heightened sanitization efforts have put an additional strain on the finances of beachfront hotels.

Efforts of Plaza Beach Hotel to Navigate Cancellations

Low Occupancy and the Need for Renovations

The Plaza Beach Hotel, located in St. Pete Beach, is one of the many beachfront hotels that have been affected by the pandemic. Throughout the pandemic, the hotel experienced very few bookings, resulting in low occupancy rates. However, instead of standing idle, the hotel took advantage of the low occupancy to carry out renovations and make necessary repairs. This proactive approach not only improved the hotel’s facilities but also provided employment for its staff during a challenging period.

Transitioning Staff Members to Different Roles

To prevent job cuts, the Plaza Beach Hotel made the decision to transition its staff members to different roles within the hotel. For example, front desk staff were redeployed to work in housekeeping, allowing them to contribute to the increased sanitization efforts. This not only helped to retain experienced staff members but also ensured that the hotel could provide a safe and clean environment for its guests.

Decision Not to Cut Any Jobs

Despite the financial challenges posed by the pandemic, the Plaza Beach Hotel made a commendable decision not to cut any jobs. This decision reflects the hotel’s commitment to supporting its employees during this difficult time. By retaining its workforce, the hotel not only maintains a sense of stability and continuity but also ensures that its staff members have job security and a source of income to support themselves and their families.

Impact of the Pandemic on Hotel Industry Nationwide

Job Cuts in the Hotel Industry in Florida

Florida’s hotel industry has been particularly hard-hit by the pandemic, with approximately half of the 740,000 hotel-supported jobs in the state being cut. The closure of hotels and the decrease in travel have led to a significant loss of employment opportunities for many individuals working in the industry. These job cuts have had a devastating impact on the local economy, as hotels are a major source of revenue and employment in the state.

Closure of Full-Service Hotels

The pandemic has also resulted in the closure of a substantial number of full-service hotels nationwide. According to a report by the American Hotel and Lodging Association, nearly 50 percent of full-service hotels have closed their doors over the past two months alone. The closure of these hotels not only affects the employees who have lost their jobs but also disrupts the tourism industry as a whole. It will take time for these hotels to recover, and in some cases, they may never reopen.

Continuation of Operations Despite Challenges

Despite the challenges faced by the hotel industry as a result of the pandemic, many hotels have remained open and continued their operations. These hotels have had to adapt quickly to the changing circumstances and implement necessary safety measures to protect both their guests and staff. By doing so, they have demonstrated resilience and a commitment to serving their customers while navigating the uncertainties of the present situation.

Guest Experiences and Concerns During the Pandemic

Guests Afraid to Return Home

During the peak of the pandemic, when travel restrictions were put in place, some guests found themselves unable or unwilling to return to their homes. This was particularly true for international guests, who faced issues such as border closures and limited flight options. The Plaza Beach Hotel, like many other beachfront hotels, provided a safe haven for these guests during this uncertain period.

Travel Concerns and Limited Options

The pandemic has understandably raised concerns among travelers regarding their safety and well-being. Many people have had to cancel their travel plans due to health risks or travel restrictions, which has limited their options for accommodation. Those who have chosen to travel have had to carefully consider the safety measures implemented by hotels and choose establishments that prioritize guest health and hygiene.

Availability and Booking Status at Plaza Beach Hotel

The Plaza Beach Hotel, despite being open throughout the pandemic, experienced a significant decrease in bookings. However, with the reopening of the beaches, the hotel is now optimistic that business will start to pick up again. Currently, only 30 out of the 66 rooms at the hotel are open, with about 15 of them booked for tonight. The hotel remains committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for its guests, implementing enhanced sanitization protocols and adhering to recommended guidelines.

Strategies for Beachfront Hotels to Cope with Cancellations

Flexible Cancellation Policies

In light of the high cancellation rates caused by the pandemic, beachfront hotels have had to adopt more flexible cancellation policies. This allows guests to change or cancel their reservations without incurring penalties or fees. By offering flexibility and understanding during these uncertain times, hotels can retain goodwill among their guests and potentially encourage rebooking in the future.

Promoting Safety and Hygiene Measures

Beachfront hotels have placed a greater emphasis on promoting safety and hygiene measures to reassure potential guests. This includes highlighting the rigorous cleaning protocols in place, social distancing measures, and the availability of hand sanitization stations throughout the property. By effectively communicating these measures, hotels can instill confidence in their guests and address concerns over health and safety.

Creative Marketing and Attracting Local Guests

Beachfront hotels have been adapting their marketing strategies to attract guests, particularly local residents looking for a staycation. This includes offering special promotions, discounts, and packages tailored to the needs and preferences of local guests. By targeting the local market, hotels can increase their bookings and generate revenue even with reduced international and long-distance travel.

Collaboration and Support Within the Hotel Industry

Sharing Best Practices Among Hoteliers

Given the unprecedented challenges faced by the hotel industry, there has been a greater emphasis on collaboration and sharing best practices. Hoteliers across the country have come together to exchange ideas, strategies, and solutions to navigate the complexities brought on by the pandemic. This collaboration has allowed hotels to learn from one another and implement effective measures to ensure the safety of guests and staff.

Industry Alliances and Support Networks

Various industry alliances and support networks have also emerged to offer assistance to hotels during this challenging time. These organizations provide resources, guidance, and advocacy for the hotel industry. By joining these alliances, hotels can access valuable support and stay informed about the latest developments and initiatives within the industry.

Government Assistance Programs

In recognition of the detrimental impact of the pandemic on the hotel industry, governments at various levels have implemented assistance programs to provide financial relief to struggling businesses. These programs may include grants, loans, or tax incentives to help hotels stay afloat during this challenging period. By taking advantage of these programs, hotels can alleviate some of the financial burdens they face and increase their chances of survival.

Adjusting Business Models for Long-Term Sustainability

Diversification of Revenue Streams

Beachfront hotels are exploring ways to diversify their revenue streams to secure long-term sustainability. This may involve expanding their offerings beyond accommodation, such as developing partnerships with local tour operators, restaurants, or event organizers. By diversifying their revenue streams, hotels can reduce their reliance on a single source of income and create additional value for their guests.

Investment in Technology and Online Booking Platforms

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology within the hotel industry. Beachfront hotels are investing in online booking platforms, contactless check-in processes, and virtual concierge services to enhance the guest experience. By leveraging technology, hotels can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and provide a safe and convenient experience for their guests.

Forging Partnerships with Local Businesses

Beachfront hotels are also forging partnerships with local businesses to enhance the overall guest experience and drive local economic growth. Collaborating with nearby restaurants, attractions, and shops allows hotels to offer curated experiences to guests and promote the destination as a whole. By working together, hotels and local businesses can attract more visitors and boost tourism in the surrounding area.

The Road to Recovery for Beachfront Hotels

Gradual Increase in Bookings and Occupancy

As travel restrictions ease and the situation improves, beachfront hotels are expecting a gradual increase in bookings and occupancy rates. The pent-up demand for travel and vacations is likely to drive more people to visit beach destinations. However, the recovery process may take time, and hotels must be prepared to adapt their operations as the situation evolves.

Adapting to Changing Travel Trends

The pandemic has brought about changes in travel trends and consumer preferences. Beachfront hotels must adapt to these shifts and tailor their offerings accordingly. This may include offering flexible cancellation policies, providing outdoor dining options, or introducing wellness and health-focused amenities. By staying attuned to changing travel trends, hotels can remain competitive and appeal to a broader range of guests.

Rebuilding Consumer Confidence

Rebuilding consumer confidence is crucial for the recovery of beachfront hotels. Hoteliers must communicate their commitment to guest safety, highlight the implementation of hygiene protocols, and provide transparent information about their operations. By exuding transparency and reliability, hotels can instill confidence in potential guests and encourage them to choose their property for their next vacation.

Future Outlook for the Beachfront Hotel Industry

Anticipated Challenges and Uncertainties

While there is optimism for the recovery of beachfront hotels, several challenges and uncertainties lie ahead. The potential emergence of new variants of the virus, the uneven distribution of vaccines, and changes in travel regulations could all impact the travel industry. Beachfront hotels must remain adaptable and resilient to navigate these challenges successfully.

Exploring New Markets and Customer Segments

To mitigate the risks associated with reliance on specific markets or segments, beachfront hotels are exploring new markets and customer segments. This may involve targeting domestic travelers, promoting off-peak seasons, or attracting niche markets, such as eco-tourists or remote workers. By diversifying their customer base, hotels can reduce their vulnerability to fluctuations in demand.

Embracing Sustainability and Responsible Tourism

The pandemic has underscored the importance of sustainability and responsible tourism practices. Beachfront hotels are increasingly adopting environmentally friendly initiatives, such as reducing single-use plastic, conserving water, and supporting local communities. By embracing sustainability, hotels can attract environmentally conscious guests and contribute to the long-term preservation of beach destinations.


Beachfront hotels have faced numerous challenges during the peak season due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. High cancellation rates, significant sanitization changes, and reduced occupancy rates have posed difficulties for these establishments. However, hotels like the Plaza Beach Hotel have displayed resilience and adaptability in navigating the crisis. Strategies such as transitioning staff to different roles, implementing flexible cancellation policies, and embracing collaborations and support networks have helped hotels weather the storm. As the road to recovery begins, beachfront hotels must continue to adjust their business models, rebuild consumer confidence, and embrace sustainability to ensure their long-term sustainability and success in the future.