Behind-the-Scenes Logistics of Taking an NFL Team on the Road

In the name of “Behind-the-Scenes Logistics of Taking an NFL Team on the Road,” this article takes you on a journey into the intricacies of what happens when an NFL team hits the road for an away game. With exclusive access to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the article sheds light on the massive logistical challenges faced by teams each week. From packing up and moving players, coaches, and staff to transporting tons of equipment, the behind-the-scenes efforts to ensure a smooth travel experience are no less than extraordinary. From TSA screenings at practice facilities to meticulously planning every minute of the journey, the goal is to make travel seamless for the players so they can focus on winning football games. With details about the equipment manager’s tasks, transporting shoes for each player, and the coordination with United Airlines, this captivating article provides insights into the complex operations required to make it all happen.


When you watch an NFL game on television, it’s easy to get caught up in the action happening on the field. But have you ever stopped to think about what it takes to get the visiting team to the game? Every other week, NFL teams have to pack up their players, staff, and gear and hit the road. The logistical challenges they face are immense, but they are necessary to ensure that the team can perform at their best. In this article, we will take a closer look at the behind-the-scenes process of taking an NFL team on the road and the countless tasks involved in making it happen.

Logistical Challenges Faced by NFL Teams

Packing up players, staff, and coaches

When it comes time to hit the road for an away game, NFL teams have to pack up not only their players but also their entire coaching and support staff. This includes trainers, equipment managers, and team doctors, among others. Each person has their own equipment and gear that needs to be accounted for and transported to the game location.

Transporting equipment and gear

In addition to the people, NFL teams also have to transport a massive amount of equipment and gear to each away game. This includes things like helmets, shoulder pads, gloves, and shoes for each player. The equipment manager is responsible for ensuring that everything is packed up securely and transported safely to the game location.

Planning and coordination

Taking an NFL team on the road requires months of planning and coordination. From booking flights to arranging transportation to and from the airport, every detail needs to be carefully thought out. The team’s CEO plays a critical role in overseeing this process and ensuring that everything runs smoothly.

Dealing with professional athletes

One unique challenge of taking an NFL team on the road is dealing with professional athletes. These athletes have a job to do, and it is crucial to take the travel and logistical process off their plate as much as possible. By handling the planning and coordination, the team can allow the players to focus on their main objective: winning football games.

Planning and Preparation

Months in advance

The process of taking an NFL team on the road starts months in advance. As soon as one game is over, the team’s operation manager sends out a text to everyone, letting them know that the game is over and that preparations for the next away game are now underway. Planning and coordination for each away game start back at the team’s home base and involve multiple departments, including operations, travel, and equipment management.

Critical role of the team’s CEO

The team’s CEO plays a critical role in the planning and preparation process. They oversee the entire operation and ensure that everything is in place for a successful away game. Their main goal is to take the travel and logistical process off the players’ plates so that they can focus solely on their performance on the field.

Ensuring players can focus on the game

A key objective of the planning and preparation process is to ensure that players can focus on the game and nothing else. To do this, the team sets up TSA screening at their practice facility instead of the airport, reducing the stress and time spent going through security. By handling the logistics, the team allows the players to concentrate on their main job: winning football games.

Equipment and Gear

Equipment manager’s responsibilities

The equipment manager plays a crucial role in ensuring that the team’s gear and equipment are in top condition for each away game. They are responsible for packing up and shipping the equipment to the game location, making sure that everything arrives safely and on time. They also handle the players’ shoes, providing each player with a new pair and a backup pair in their travel bag.

Packing and shipping equipment

Before each away game, the equipment manager packs up all the necessary equipment and gear for the players. This includes helmets, shoulder pads, gloves, and any other customized items that players may need. The equipment is then shipped to the game location, where it will be unpacked and set up in the locker room.

Providing players with new shoes

One interesting aspect of the equipment manager’s job is providing each player with a new pair of shoes for every road game. They also make sure that players have a backup pair of shoes in case anything happens to the primary pair. This ensures that players have the right footwear to perform at their best.

Special considerations for each player’s needs

Every player has specific needs when it comes to equipment and gear. The equipment manager takes these needs into account and ensures that each player has everything they need to perform at their best. This includes things like customized padding or special shoe inserts to accommodate specific foot conditions.

Travel Logistics

Departure from the team’s facility

On the day of the away game, the team departs from their home facility and heads to the airport. This departure is carefully timed to ensure that they arrive at the airport with enough time to go through security and board their flight.

Setting up TSA screening at the practice facility

To streamline the travel process and reduce stress for the players, the team sets up TSA screening at their practice facility instead of the airport. This allows the players to go through security in a familiar and controlled environment, saving time and minimizing disruptions to their routine.

Boarding buses for a police-escorted ride to the airport

Once the TSA screening is complete, the players and staff board buses for a police-escorted ride to the airport. This ensures that they arrive at the airport safely and on time. The police escort helps to minimize traffic and ensure a smooth journey.

Special considerations for larger players

One challenge when it comes to air travel is accommodating the larger players on the team. Defensive linemen, for example, may struggle to fit into a standard coach seat on the plane. The team takes special care to ensure that these players are comfortable by assigning them seats in first class whenever possible.

Team’s partnership with United Airlines

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have a long-standing partnership with United Airlines, who have been flying NFL teams for 50 years. This partnership ensures that the team has a trusted and reliable airline to transport them to each away game. United Airlines also has extensive contingency plans in place to ensure that the team arrives at their destination on time, even in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

Charter coordinator’s responsibilities

The charter coordinator, in conjunction with United Airlines, is responsible for coordinating the logistics of the team’s charter flight. They ensure that the plane is ready for departure and that everything is in place for a comfortable and smooth journey. This includes arranging for meal service and other amenities on the flight.

In-Flight Experience

Accommodating players in coach and first class

The team’s charter flight offers both coach and first-class seating options. While the majority of players will be seated in coach, certain players, particularly the larger ones, are assigned seats in first class. This is not only a gesture of appreciation but also a way to acknowledge the importance of the players on the front lines of the game.

Building team camaraderie

The charter flight provides an opportunity for players and staff to bond and build team camaraderie. They can relax, chat, and even play games to pass the time. This helps to create a positive and cohesive team atmosphere, which is essential for success on the field.

Meal planning and nutrition

Proper nutrition is crucial for athletes, especially on game day. The team works with a nutritionist to plan meals for the charter flight. These meals are designed to fuel the players and provide them with the necessary nutrients to perform at their best. Meals may include a variety of options such as steak, chicken, shrimp, and salads.

Catering to individual dietary needs

Every player has their own unique dietary needs and preferences. The team takes these into account when planning the meals for the charter flight. Whether a player follows a specific diet due to allergies, religious beliefs, or personal choices, the team ensures that they have options available to them.

Arrival at Destination

Checking into the hotel

Once the team lands at their destination, they head straight to the hotel. The players and staff check in and settle into their rooms, ensuring that they have a comfortable and relaxing environment to rest before the game. The hotel staff works closely with the team to ensure that their needs are met during their stay.

Transporting equipment to the stadium

While the players are checking into the hotel, the equipment manager is busy transporting the team’s gear to the stadium. This includes setting up the locker room, unpacking the player bags, and hanging the jerseys and pants. The equipment manager ensures that everything is in place and that nothing is forgotten.

Setting up the locker room

The locker room is a crucial space for the players to prepare for the game. The team’s equipment manager and staff set up the locker room at the stadium, ensuring that each player has their designated locker with all the necessary gear. This includes helmets, shoulder pads, shoes, and gloves.

Preparing player bags and gear

In addition to setting up the locker room, the equipment manager is also responsible for preparing the player bags and gear. Each player’s bag contains their helmet, shoulder pads, shoes, gloves, and any other customized items they may need. The equipment manager double-checks each bag to ensure that nothing is forgotten.

Ensuring nothing is forgotten

One of the equipment manager’s most important responsibilities is ensuring that nothing is forgotten. With so much gear and equipment to keep track of, it can be easy to overlook something. The equipment manager meticulously checks and double-checks each item to ensure that everything is accounted for.

Game Day Operations

The calm before the storm

Before the game begins, there is a brief period of calmness. This is when the players have a chance to mentally prepare themselves and go through their pre-game rituals. The team’s staff ensures that everything is in place and that the players have everything they need to perform at their best.

Halftime considerations

At halftime, the focus shifts to halftime considerations. The team wraps up the first half of the game and prepares for the second half. This may involve adjustments to the game plan, addressing any injuries or player concerns, and ensuring that the players have access to food, water, and medical attention as needed.

Packing up to leave after the game

Once the game is over, it’s time to pack up and head back home. The equipment manager and staff quickly pack up all the gear and equipment, ensuring that nothing is left behind. The players and staff gather their belongings and board the buses for the journey back to the airport. The countdown to departure begins, and the process starts all over again.


Taking an NFL team on the road is no small feat. It requires months of planning, coordination, and careful attention to detail. The logistical challenges faced by NFL teams are immense, but they are necessary to ensure that the team can perform at their best. From packing up players and gear to coordinating transportation and providing in-flight services, every aspect of the away game process is crucial. Behind the scenes, there is a dedicated team of staff working tirelessly to make it all happen seamlessly. So the next time you watch an NFL game, take a moment to appreciate the incredible effort that goes into getting the visiting team there.