Is This The Scariest Bridge In America?

Hey there! Have you ever heard of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland? If not, you might be surprised to learn that it has gained quite a reputation as one of the scariest bridges in America. And why is it so terrifying, you ask? Well, for starters, it’s extremely high, reaching nearly 200 feet in certain spots, and stretches a daunting 4.3 miles from end to end. It’s no wonder that some motorists find themselves unable to summon the courage to drive across it. Take Carolyn Casey, for example, who suffers from debilitating panic attacks just at the thought of crossing the bridge. She’s so afraid that she actually hires a driver to take her over it, paying him $25 each time. But Carolyn is not alone in her fear; the business of driving people across the bridge is booming, with San Francisco-based entrepreneur, Alex Robinson, seeing a steady increase in clients. Carrying out the role of both a driver and a therapist, he tries to distract his passengers from their bridge-related anxieties by steering the conversation away from the dreaded structure itself.


If you’re looking for a thrilling adventure or a heart-pounding experience, you might want to consider crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland. This iconic bridge has gained a reputation as the scariest bridge in America, and for good reason. In this article, we will explore the background information on this terrifying structure and delve into the reasons why it is considered the scariest bridge in the country.

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge, also known as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, is a massive structure that connects the eastern and western shores of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Spanning an incredible length of 4.3 miles, this bridge is truly a sight to behold. However, its sheer size is not the only reason it is regarded as the scariest bridge in America.

Fear of Crossing

Many individuals have developed a deep fear of crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, resulting in numerous personal stories of panic and anxiety. One such story is that of Carolyn Casey, who suffered a major panic attack while driving across the bridge. The fear is so paralyzing for some individuals that they opt to hire someone, like Alex Robinson, to drive them across for a fee.

Bridge Design

The design of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge plays a significant role in perpetuating the fear associated with crossing it. The lack of emergency pull-offs and the relatively low height of the barricades contribute to the unease felt by many motorists. Incidents of trucks going over the barricades only add to the sense of danger surrounding the bridge.

Impact on Daily Commuting

The fear of crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge can have a significant impact on daily commuting for some individuals. Jay Gaskin, a daily commuter, shares his experience of being a brawny guy who operates heavy equipment but still struggles with the fear of crossing the bridge. Seeking psychiatric help and even attempting hypnosis, Jay highlights the ineffectiveness of these approaches in overcoming his fear and the toll it takes on his mental health.

Historical Bridge Collapses

To further understand the fear surrounding the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, it is essential to examine historical bridge collapses in America. The collapse of the bridge in Minnesota in 2007 and the infamous Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse in 1940 serve as haunting reminders of the potential dangers of bridges. These incidents continue to fuel the fear associated with crossing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

Driving Service and Role of Alex Robinson

To cater to the growing number of individuals afraid to cross the bridge, a driving service has emerged, providing a solution for those seeking an alternative to facing their fears. Alex Robinson, the owner of Bay Bridge drive-overs, offers his services as a driver for those who require assistance in navigating the bridge. In an interview, Robinson discusses the significance of conversations during the drive, focusing on diverting attention away from the bridge itself.

Public Perception and Media Coverage

The scariest bridge in America has garnered significant media coverage and public attention. Images and videos showcasing the sheer height and length of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge only serve to perpetuate the fear associated with it. This fear, in turn, has repercussions for tourism and the local economy, as potential visitors may be deterred from crossing the bridge to reach their desired destinations.

Safety Measures and Future Plans

In light of the fear surrounding the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, it is important to consider the current safety measures in place and potential future improvements. While the bridge does have safety measures, such as barricades, there is ongoing discussion about implementing additional emergency features. Authorities and government officials have responded to concerns and are exploring ways to enhance safety on the bridge.


The Chesapeake Bay Bridge stands as a symbol of fear for many individuals. Whether it be the height, the lack of emergency pull-offs, or the historical bridge collapses, there are several reasons why this bridge has earned the title of the scariest bridge in America. The impact on individuals and communities is evident, with some resorting to driving services and seeking psychiatric help to cope with their fear. While safety measures are in place, there is still a long way to go in ensuring the comfort and well-being of those who need to cross the bridge. Although the fear may be overwhelming, there are potential solutions and ways to overcome it, offering hope for those who wish to conquer their fears and experience the awe-inspiring Chesapeake Bay Bridge.