Search Underway for Driver Involved in Florida Hit-and-Run

You come across the alarming news of a hit-and-run incident in Florida, where a young father named Justin Jones was seriously injured. The driver responsible for the accident is still at large, prompting a search to bring them to justice. Justin was crossing US 98 in Lakeland when he was struck by the unidentified driver. FOX 13 Tampa Bay provides important videos like breaking news, Tampa Bay weather, and local stories, alongside entertaining content. As Justin recovers in the hospital, his family and friends are hopeful that the driver will be caught. With broken bones and head injuries, Justin has a long road to recovery ahead. His loved ones are urging the driver to take responsibility for their actions, as they deserve better than being left on the side of the road like a dog. Jones’s family is even offering a $3,000 reward for information that leads to the arrest of the driver. If you have any details that could assist in the investigation, please contact Harland Crim Stoppers or Lakeland Police. Let’s come together as a community to help Justin and his family find justice.

Background of the Hit-and-Run

Justin Jones Seriously Injured

In a tragic incident, Justin Jones, a 29-year-old father from North Central Florida, was severely injured in a hit-and-run accident. He was crossing US 98 in Lakeland on a Friday evening when the incident occurred. The impact of the collision caused Justin to sustain critical injuries, and he was rushed to the hospital for immediate medical attention.

Hit-and-Run Driver Still on the Loose

Unfortunately, the driver responsible for the hit-and-run incident has not yet been apprehended. Despite the efforts of law enforcement agencies, the search for the driver is ongoing. The community is rallying behind Justin and his family, urging anyone with information to come forward and assist in bringing the perpetrator to justice.

Circumstances of the Incident

Location: US 98 in Lakeland

The hit-and-run incident took place on US 98 in Lakeland, Florida. This busy road sees heavy traffic, making it even more crucial for drivers to exercise caution and adhere to traffic rules. The incident occurred on the southbound side of the road, near a restaurant where Justin had just finished dinner with his co-workers.

Time: Friday Evening

The incident occurred on a Friday evening, at around 10:30 p.m. Justin and his co-workers had been on a golf tournament trip, representing Proast Supply in Gainesville. After dinner, as Justin attempted to cross the street from the restaurant to his hotel, tragedy struck.

Justin Jones’ Trip with Co-workers

Justin was enjoying a golf tournament trip with his co-workers, a chance to unwind and spend time with colleagues outside of work. This outing was meant to be a time of camaraderie and relaxation, but it quickly turned into a nightmare.

Crossing the Street

As Justin walked across the road, he found himself in the path of an oncoming vehicle. Despite attempts by the driver to avoid the collision, Justin was struck by a pickup truck.

Pickup Truck Involved

The vehicle involved in the hit-and-run incident was described as a dark-colored, lifted pickup truck, possibly an F250. A witness managed to capture a blurry photo of the truck, which may serve as a valuable piece of evidence in identifying the driver responsible for the accident.

Details of the Pickup Truck

Witness Photo

A witness at the scene of the hit-and-run incident managed to snap a photo of the pickup truck involved. Although the image is blurry, it provides vital information for law enforcement agencies investigating the case.

Description: Dark Colored, Lifted Pickup, Possibly F250

Based on the witness photo and statements, the pickup truck involved in the hit-and-run incident is believed to be a dark-colored, lifted vehicle, potentially an F250 model. This description will aid in narrowing down the search for the driver.

Actions of the Driver

Attempted Avoidance of Hitting Jones

The driver of the pickup truck made a desperate attempt to avoid hitting Justin Jones. However, despite their efforts to maneuver away from him, Justin was ultimately struck.

Truck Stopped After Hitting Jones

After hitting Justin, the driver of the pickup truck did stop momentarily. This allowed witnesses to assess the situation and identify the vehicle and its potential description. However, rather than staying at the scene and taking responsibility for their actions, the driver chose to flee.

Driver Fled the Scene

Following the collision, the driver of the pickup truck fled the scene, leaving Justin injured and in need of urgent medical attention. The senseless act of leaving a victim behind only increased the severity of the incident and intensified the search for the driver.

Justin Jones’ Condition

Critical Injuries

Justin’s injuries from the hit-and-run accident were severe. He sustained broken bones in his femur, pelvis, and ribs, along with head injuries. These critical injuries required immediate medical intervention and extensive treatment.

Medical Treatment

After the incident, Justin was rushed to the hospital, where medical professionals worked tirelessly to address his injuries. Surgery was performed to repair his broken bones, and medical teams closely monitored his condition to ensure the best possible recovery.

Extensive Injuries: Broken Femur, Pelvis, Ribs, and Head Injuries

The extent of Justin’s injuries paints a grim picture of the impact of the hit-and-run incident. Along with broken bones in his femur, pelvis, and ribs, he also suffered head injuries, including brain bleeds. Recovery from such severe injuries will be a challenging and lengthy process for Justin.

Justin Jones’ Family

Wife and Two Children

Justin Jones has a loving family consisting of his wife and two young children. The impact of the hit-and-run incident extends beyond Justin himself, affecting his entire family unit. They are left to cope with the aftermath of the incident and endure the emotional stress it has brought upon them.

Plea for Justice

Justin’s family, along with the community, is pleading for justice. They hope that the driver responsible for Justin’s injuries will be held accountable for their actions. The family deserves closure and the knowledge that the perpetrator will face the consequences for their reckless behavior.

Emotional Toll on the Family

The hit-and-run incident has taken an immense emotional toll on Justin’s family. The shock and anguish they experienced upon learning about the accident and Justin’s injuries are immeasurable. They are leaning on each other and the support of the community to navigate this challenging chapter in their lives.

Friends’ Support and Community Response

Renee Bardam’s Plea for Accountability

A close friend of Justin, Renee Bardam, has been vocal about holding the driver accountable for their actions. She has urged the driver to come forward and take responsibility for the hit-and-run. Renee believes that doing the right thing is crucial, not just for Justin and his family, but for the driver’s own conscience.

Power of Social Media in Spreading Awareness

The community has come together, utilizing social media as a powerful tool to spread awareness about the hit-and-run incident and Justin’s injuries. Through these platforms, information and updates are shared, encouraging those with any knowledge of the driver or the incident to come forward.

Community Rallying Behind Justin Jones

The community has shown incredible support for Justin and his family during this challenging time. The rallying of friends, acquaintances, and even strangers has created a sense of unity and strength. The community’s collective efforts aim to assist in any way possible, from spreading awareness to offering emotional support.

Reward Offered

$3,000 Reward for Information Leading to Driver’s Arrest

Justin’s family is offering a reward of $3,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest of the hit-and-run driver. The hope is that this generous reward will incentivize individuals with knowledge of the incident to come forward and aid in bringing the perpetrator to justice.

Contact Harland Crim Stoppers or Lakeland Police

If you have any information regarding the hit-and-run incident or the driver involved, please contact Harland Crim Stoppers or the Lakeland Police. Your assistance could be instrumental in ensuring that Justin Jones and his family receive the justice they deserve and that the roads become safer for all community members.