Woman Seeks Apology for Unfair Treatment at Hampton Inn

In a recent encounter at a Hampton Inn in Lake Park, Georgia, a Tampa woman named Mary Williams and her sister felt they were treated unfairly and question if it was due to their race. Williams shared a video with FOX 13 Tampa Bay showing a clerk referring to them as “you people,” which she believes is a clear failure in customer service. Williams made a reservation through the Hilton Hotel app but arrived to find that her reservation had been cancelled. Although she was able to get a room, it had fewer amenities and cost more than what she originally booked. Williams also discovered a cracked toilet and broken rollaway bed in the replacement room, adding to her disappointment. Her sister, Evany Dobson, who works in the corporate customer complaint department for Hilton’s parent company, attempted to handle the situation, but Williams is still awaiting an apology and resolution from Hilton. She plans to share the video on social media to put public pressure on Hilton to address her complaint.

Despite Hilton acknowledging receipt of her complaint, they have yet to offer a resolution or response to multiple requests for comment. Williams believes that being referred to as “you people” by the clerk and the lack of action from Hilton make her feel less valued because of her race. While Dobson received an apology at her workplace, Williams is still waiting, feeling frustrated and disappointed that her concerns have not been addressed.

Background Information

Encounter at Hampton Inn in Lake Park, Georgia

Mary Williams and her sister had an encounter at the Hampton Inn in Lake Park, Georgia, which they believe was unfair treatment. They shared a video of the incident with FOX 13, expressing their concerns about whether their race played a role in the treatment they received.

Possibility of racial prejudice

Williams wonders if the encounter was influenced by their race, as the clerk referred to them as “you people.” She believes that even at a minimum, this kind of language is a major failure in customer service.

Mary Williams’ experience with room reservation

Williams had made a reservation on the Hilton Hotel app and received a confirmation email. However, when she arrived at the front desk, the computer at the Hampton Inn showed that her July 27 reservation had been cancelled. Despite this, Williams was still given a room, but it lacked the amenities she expected and cost more than the original booking.

Broken amenities in the room

During their stay, Williams discovered a cracked toilet and a broken rollaway bed in their room. When they requested a room change for the next night, they were dissatisfied with the replacement room’s condition.

Evany Dobson’s involvement

Williams’ sister, Evany Dobson, who works in the corporate customer complaint department for Hilton’s parent company, Hampton Inns, attempted to handle the situation for Williams.

The absence of video evidence

It’s important to note that there is no video footage of the moments leading up to the encounter at the Hampton Inn. However, Williams refutes any suggestion that she was rude to the staff.

Importance of industry standards in customer service

Simon Bailey, a customer service consultant with extensive experience in the industry, emphasized the importance of adhering to industry standards when dealing with guest complaints. This includes maintaining a professional tone, empathizing with the guest, and working towards a resolution to fix the issue at hand.

Lack of resolution and apology from Hilton

Despite Williams’ efforts to seek resolution, she has not received an apology or resolution from Hilton. They acknowledged her complaint via email but failed to offer a concrete solution. Williams sent a letter from her attorney to Hilton, requesting a discussion to address the issue, but Hilton has not responded to multiple requests for comment.

Attempts for Resolution

Apology from superiors at Hilton

Dobson, as an employee of Hampton Inns’ parent company Hilton, received an apology from her superiors for how the situation was handled.

Letter from attorney to Hilton

In hopes of resolving the issue, Williams sent a letter from her attorney to Hilton, requesting a conversation about the incident. She did not request a refund or any additional benefits; she simply sought an opportunity to discuss the matter.

Lack of response from Hilton

Despite the attorney’s letter and multiple requests for comment, Hilton has not responded, leaving Williams without any progress toward resolution.

Termination of Rose Lane, the clerk

Rose Lane, the clerk involved in the incident, was terminated shortly after the video gained attention. While it’s uncertain whether Lane’s termination directly resulted from this incident, Misty Whitehead, the new general manager of the Hampton Inn, suggested that it may have contributed to her dismissal.

Public Pressure and Social Media

Posting video on social media

In an effort to put public pressure on Hilton, Williams plans to share the video of the encounter on social media. By sharing the video, she hopes to raise awareness of her experience and prompt Hilton to work towards a resolution.

Desire for face-to-face meeting

Williams desires a face-to-face meeting with Hilton representatives to express how the incident made her feel. She believes it has been too long without any acknowledgment or direct communication.

Expectations for Hilton to address complaint

Williams expects Hilton to address her complaint and take appropriate action. Through the video’s public exposure, she hopes that Hilton will recognize the need for accountability and resolution.


Impact of the incident on Mary Williams

Williams expresses that this incident has had a significant impact on her. She felt judged solely based on her appearance, and it led her to question people’s ignorance and prejudice. The experience left her feeling demeaned and frustrated, as she believes she did everything she could to seek a reasonable resolution.

Call for accountability and resolution from Hilton

Williams calls for Hilton to take accountability for the incident and to work towards a resolution with her. She hopes that her experience will lead to a reevaluation of their customer service practices and a commitment to fostering an environment of equality and respect.

Anticipation for response from Hilton’s lawyer

With the video already gaining significant attention on social media, Williams anticipates a response from Hilton’s lawyer in the near future. She remains hopeful that this response will lead to a productive dialogue and a resolution to the matter at hand.