Worst hotel experience with bed bugs

You won’t believe the worst hotel experience I had with bed bugs! It all happened a couple of years ago when I stayed with James and Dave on tour. We found a condo, which wasn’t too bad except for one major problem – bed bugs! And let me tell you, it made for an incredibly tough week, especially for poor Luda. We even played a three-club match to determine who gets the first pick on the rooms, and guess who ended up in a twin bed infested with bed bugs? Luda, who happens to be 6’4 and 200 pounds! It was definitely the most challenging week, and the overall condition of the place was a little grimy.

In contrast to that dreadful experience, some hotels have been quite impressive. For instance, the Four Seasons in Dallas is a fantastic spot. There are plenty of other great hotels too, like the Spanish Bay near Pebble Beach. Of course, if you want to splurge, you can always go for a five-star hotel. But personally, I like to save a few bucks by using Price Line or settling for a standard three-and-a-half-star hotel. So, if you ever come across bed bugs on your travels, remember to steer clear and opt for a better stay!

Worst Hotel Experience with Bed Bugs

Description of the worst hotel experience

Imagine checking into a hotel after a long day of travel, only to discover that your room is infested with bed bugs. The mere thought of these tiny, blood-sucking insects crawling around in your sleeping space is enough to send shivers down your spine. Unfortunately, this nightmare became a reality for me during one particularly unfortunate hotel stay.

Introducing the hotel and its location

The hotel in question was located in a vibrant city known for its bustling streets and vibrant nightlife. Situated in the heart of downtown, it seemed like the perfect place to stay for a week-long business trip. With its modern facade and promising reviews, I had high hopes for a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

Discovering the presence of bed bugs

My ill-fated encounter with the bed bugs began shortly after settling into my assigned room. As I prepared to unwind after a long day, I noticed a series of itchy red bites on my arms and legs. Alarmed, I quickly inspected the sheets and mattress, only to find clusters of tiny bugs scurrying around. It was a moment of sheer horror and disgust.

Effect on the week’s stay

The presence of bed bugs had an immediate impact on the quality of my stay. Sleep became a distant dream as I constantly felt the sensation of being bitten throughout the night. The fear of bringing these pests back home with me added an extra layer of stress to an already challenging trip. Each day was marred by discomfort and an overwhelming sense of unease.

Choosing rooms and the unfortunate outcome

Upon discovering the bed bug infestation, my travel companions and I decided to switch rooms in an attempt to salvage the rest of our stay. Unfortunately, this proved to be a futile effort. Even in the new rooms, the bed bugs seemed to have infested the entire floor, making it impossible to escape their unwelcome presence. It seemed that no room was safe from these relentless pests.

Impact on different individuals

The impact of the bed bug infestation varied among the individuals involved. For me, as someone who already struggled with insomnia, the constant itching and fear of bugs crawling on my skin only exacerbated my sleepless nights. However, the true unfortunate victim was my friend Dave Ludus. Being over six feet tall and sharing a twin bed with bed bugs was nothing short of a nightmare. His discomfort and physical presence made the situation even more unbearable.

Overall cleanliness of the hotel

The presence of bed bugs in our rooms raised serious concerns about the overall cleanliness and maintenance of the hotel. It was clear that the establishment had not taken sufficient measures to prevent or address such infestations. The fact that the bugs had spread to multiple rooms indicated a systemic issue that needed to be urgently addressed.

Dealing with the discomfort

With each passing day, it became increasingly difficult to cope with the physical discomfort caused by the bed bugs. The constant itching and the psychological toll of knowing that these pests were lurking in the room took a toll on my overall well-being. Hotel staff were notified about the issue, but their response was lackluster and ineffective, leaving us to fend for ourselves.

Possible health risks

Aside from the obvious discomfort, bed bugs also pose potential health risks. While they are not known to transmit diseases, their bites can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. The constant itching can lead to skin infections if not properly treated. Furthermore, the mental distress caused by a bed bug infestation can have long-lasting effects on a person’s well-being.


In conclusion, my worst hotel experience was undoubtedly the encounter with bed bugs. The discomfort, sleepless nights, and overall sense of unease greatly overshadowed any positive aspects of the trip. It served as a reminder of the importance of thorough cleanliness and maintenance in hotel establishments. Bed bug infestations can quickly turn a promising stay into a nightmare, and it is crucial for hotels to take proactive measures to prevent and address such issues effectively.