Youth Pastor Arrested for Inappropriate Relationship with Teenage Girl, Sheriff Says

In a shocking turn of events, a youth pastor in Lakeland has been arrested for allegedly engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a teenage girl. The pastor, Andrew Weaver, had been working for Highlands Church of Christ when church leaders discovered the allegations and immediately notified the authorities. According to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, Weaver had been counseling the 17-year-old girl and had crossed the line by requesting explicit photographs and discussing sexual fantasies. However, their illicit meeting at a motel was interrupted by a maid, who unknowingly became the “angel” that prevented further harm. While this unfortunate incident is truly disheartening, it serves as a reminder that there are countless other youth pastors who faithfully fulfill their roles as mentors and guides to young individuals in need of guidance and support.

Background Information

Youth Pastor Arrested

A Lakeland church youth pastor, Andrew Weaver, was recently arrested on charges of attempting to have sexual relations with a teenage girl. Weaver, 29 years old and married, worked for Highlands Church of Christ.

Accused of Inappropriate Relationship

After learning of Weaver’s possible inappropriate relationship with a minor in his youth group, church leaders promptly notified the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. This action led to an investigation into the matter.

Sheriff’s Press Conference

Sheriff Grady Judd held a press conference to provide details about Weaver’s actions and the charges against him. During the conference, the sheriff expressed his frustration and emphasized the importance of sending children to church for appropriate guidance, mentorship, and teaching of the word of God.

Church’s Response

The church demonstrated responsibility and took immediate action by reporting Weaver’s misbehavior to the authorities. This decision not only aligned with their commitment to the well-being of their youth but also ensured the safety of other potential victims.

Details of the Inappropriate Relationship

Counseling with a Minor

Weaver engaged in counseling sessions with a 17-year-old girl, albeit inappropriately. Rather than providing proper guidance and mentorship, he created a relationship that went beyond the boundaries of a pastoral role.

Inappropriate Requests and Conversations

During the counseling sessions, Weaver asked the minor to share nude photographs of herself, which she had on her cell phone. The conversations also included discussions about fantasies involving him, crossing the line of appropriate professional conduct.

Meeting at the Church

On December 29th, Weaver met the 17-year-old girl at the church and drove her to a motel in Bart or Mulberry. This meeting was not for any legitimate purpose but rather to engage in inappropriate behavior.

Trip to a Motel

Upon arriving at the motel, Weaver rented a room where he continued his improper counseling session with the teenage girl. Their interaction was interrupted by a maid who knocked on the door, causing them to flee the scene.

Interruption by the Maid

The intervention by the maid saved the minor from experiencing further harm. While the girl was not sexually assaulted, their behavior was undoubtedly inappropriate.

Charges and Legal Consequences

Attempted Unlawful Sex with a Minor

Andrew Weaver has been charged with attempted unlawful sex with a minor, reflecting his intent to engage in sexual activity with someone under the legal age of consent.

Interfering with Child Custody

In addition to the charge of attempting unlawful sex with a minor, Weaver has also been charged with interfering with child custody. This charge refers to taking a minor away from their lawful custodian without permission or legal authority.

Accountability through Criminal Justice System

Weaver’s actions have serious legal consequences, and he will be held accountable through the criminal justice system. The charges he faces highlight the severity of his offense and the potential harm he could have caused.

Church’s Action and Responsibility

Church Leaders Notified Authorities

The church leaders responded appropriately upon learning of Weaver’s misconduct. They promptly notified the sheriff’s office, ensuring that an investigation could take place.

Cooperation with Investigation

The church cooperated fully with the investigation, providing all necessary information and assistance to law enforcement agencies. Their commitment to justice and the safety of their members was evident throughout the process.

Importance of Proper Adult Guidance

The incident involving Weaver emphasizes the crucial role of proper adult guidance within a church community. It is essential for churches to provide mentorship, counseling, and leadership that adhere to appropriate boundaries to protect the well-being of their youth.

Embarrassment for Youth Ministry

Weaver’s behavior brings embarrassment to the entire youth ministry community. However, it is important to remember that the actions of one individual should not tarnish the reputation of all those who serve as responsible youth ministers.

Law Enforcement’s Response

Sheriff’s Disapproval of Pastor’s Actions

Sheriff Grady Judd expressed strong disapproval of Weaver’s actions during the press conference. He highlighted the frustration and disappointment that such behavior causes within the community.

Importance of Reporting Suspected Misbehavior

The sheriff emphasized the importance of reporting any suspected misbehavior or inappropriate actions by individuals in positions of authority, particularly when it involves minors. Reporting ensures that proper authorities can investigate and protect potential victims.

Efforts to Protect Other Potential Victims

Law enforcement agencies will continue their investigation to determine the extent of Weaver’s inappropriate behavior. Their goal is to protect any other potential victims and prevent harm from occurring within the community.

Ongoing Investigation

Possible Existence of Other Victims

As the investigation continues, law enforcement will assess the possibility of other victims. It is not uncommon for individuals involved in such crimes to target multiple individuals, and it is crucial to identify and support any additional victims.

Deeper Investigation with the Victim

Law enforcement will conduct a more in-depth investigation with the teenage girl who was involved with Weaver. This process allows them to gather more evidence and gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

Collecting More Evidence

To strengthen the case against Weaver and understand the full scope of his actions, law enforcement will gather additional evidence. This evidence will help in prosecuting him for the crimes he committed.

Determining the Extent of Inappropriate Behavior

Investigations will uncover the precise extent of Weaver’s inappropriate behavior. Law enforcement will work closely with the victim, gathering all necessary details to build a robust legal case.


Importance of Conversations between Parents and Children

Instances like this highlight the necessity for open and honest conversations between parents and their children. Regular discussions about boundaries, appropriate behavior, and the importance of reporting suspicions can help protect children from potential harm.

Criminal Consequences for the Youth Pastor

Andrew Weaver’s actions carry severe legal consequences. The charges he faces accurately reflect the gravity of his behavior and the potential harm he intended to cause to a minor.

Continued Efforts to Protect Youth in Church Settings

The arrest and subsequent actions taken by the church and law enforcement demonstrate a commitment to protecting youth within church settings. It is essential for all individuals involved in youth ministry to prioritize the safety and well-being of young people. By doing so, they can create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and positive development.